
2018 - ongoing

Christmas Platters made by Royal Copenhagen and B&G, covered with red clay and fired. Cracks occur due to tension between materials. The project is ongoing and number of platters continue to grow

Each new layer of red clay represents an aspect of Danish policies that were adopted between 2015 and 2019 (incomplete list).


Individual titles, starting top left to right:

Introduction of integrationsydelse (eng: Integration aid) (Aug. 2015)

Danish adds in Lebanese newspapers (Sept. 2015)

L87/ “Jewelry law” (Jan. 2016)

L87/Deferral of family-reunification from one to three years after arrival (Jan. 2016)

Denmark Canon (Nov. 2016)

Instruction: Separation of married couples (Feb. 2017)

V38/ Definition of Danish (Feb. 2017)

Homeless persons can be expelled from neighborhoods (April 2017)

Pause on acceptance of quota refugees (Dec. 2017)

Obligatory nursery for certain ethnicities in specific social housing areas (May 2018)

Introduction of self-payment for interpreter during doctor visits (May 2018)

Illegal to cover your face in public (May 2018)

60% deduction of certain social housing areas - based on ethnicity, unemployment, crime,

education, and income (Nov. 2018)

Possibility of double punishments in certain social housing areas (Jan. 2019)

Selvforsørgelses- og hjemrejseydelse (self sufficiency aid and return aid) instead of

integrationsydelse (integration aid) (Feb. 19)

Introduction of option for the minister to limit amount of family reunifications each

month (Feb. 2019)

Refugees only receive temporary residence permits (Feb. 2019)

Possibility for minister to revoke citizenship without trial (Oct. 2019)