Maria Bang Espersen

Born in Denmark, lives and works in Sweden

Swedish phone:0046 763 28 55 21



Education and Programs

2017-2019 - The Core Program, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, USA

2015-2017 - California Institute of the Arts, MFA, Art Program, California, USA

2009-2012 - The Royal Danish Academy of Design, Bornholm, Center of Glass, DK

2006-2009 - Kosta School of Glass, Kosta, SE

2005 - Engelsholm Højskole, Glass and Ceramics, Vejle, Denmark


Solo and Duo Exhibitions

2024 – Soft Connections, Galleri Montan, Copenhagen, DK (solo)

2022 - Nordic Mythologies, Vandalorum Museum of Art and Design, SE (solo)

2021 – Nonlinear, Galleri Glas, Stockholm, Sweden (solo)

2020 - A Fictional Character, Grønbechs Gaard, DK (solo)

2019 - Deviations, Formbar Glasverksted, Haugesund, Norway (solo)

WEEDS, Already Within Project Space, Houston, USA (solo)

2017 - National Costume, CalArts, CA, USA (solo)

2015 - I am living in a free country, D300, CalArts, CA, USA (solo)

What to breathe about, Gallery SiC!, BWA, Wroclaw, Poland (solo)

I Virkeligheden (eng; In Reality), Fortælle Galleriet, Holstebro, Denmark (solo)

Re Cover, S12, Bergen, Norway (with Max Syron)

Process is an Exhibition, S12, Bergen, Norway (with Max Syron)

2014 - Underneath it all, Bredgade Kunsthandel, Copenhagen, DK (Solo)

2013 - The Fine Line, Gallery Rasch, Bornholm, Denmark (with Caroline Pradal)

Interactions, Officinet, Copenhagen, Denmark (with Verena Schatz)


Group Exhibitions

2024 - Fire Works, Puls Gallery, Brussels, BE 

無常 When you lose control, Glas – The Museum in Ebeltoft, DK

European Prize for Applied Arts, Grande Halle Les Anciens Abattoirs, Mons, BE

VitraHaus Loft by Sabine Marcelis, Weil am Rain, Germany

Toyama International Glass Exhibition, Toyama Glass Art Museum, JP

The Glass Heart, Two Temple Place, London, GB

COLLECT, w/Vessel Gallery, London, GB

Winterleuchten, Galerie Corona Unger, Bremen, DE


2023 - Chimera, La Beast Gallery, Los Angeles, USA

Generation Glass, CFHILL, Stockholm, Sweden

Makers 2, Caselli 11-12, Milan, Italy

The Value in Things, w/Vessel Gallery, Cromwell Place, London, England

Studioglas aus Dänemark, European Museum of Modern Glass, Rödental, Germany


2022 - A State of Matter: Modern and Contemporary Glass Sculpture, Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, UK

Animal House, curated by Kristen De La Valliere, Etage Projects, Copenhagen, DK

Artefact, w/ Vessel Gallery, The Contemporary Craft Fair, London, England

Glass - hand formed matter, Bröhan Museum, Berlin, Germany

The Shape of Colors, Galleri Montan, Copenhagen, Denmark

The Coburg Prize for Contemporary Glass 2022, Veste Coburg and European Museum of Modern Glass, Germany

Mirage, RVNHus x Galleri Montan, Kolding, Denmark

Structures from a molten world, The Glass Factory Boda, Sweden

Pop-Up Glass, RVNhus x Galleri Montan, Kolding, Danmark


2021 - New Glass Now, Smithsonian American Art Musum, Renwick Gallery, USA 

NGC Glass Prize, National Glass Centre, Sunderland, England 

Toyama International Glass Exhibition 2021, Japan

Art in Glass - Glass in Art, Galleri MONTAN, Copenhagen, Denmark

International Kogei Award, Toyama, Japan

House of Boda, The Glass Factory Boda, Sweden

Collect Art Fair, w/ Vessel Gallery, London, England


2020 - 20/2020, Galleri Glas, Stockholm, Sweden

The Palace, The Glass Factory Boda, Sweden

Ta deg TID (Take your TIME), Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum, Norway

Silver, Habatat Galleries, Detroit, USA

New Positions, Simone DeSousa Gallery, Detroit, USA  

Ann Arbor Film Festival, MI, USA

Collect, The International Art Fair for Modern Craft and Design, Vessel Gallery, London, GB


2019 - Q-Fest Film Festival, Houston, USA

Core Screening, Brown Auditorium, Glassell, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA

New Glass Now, Corning Museum of Glass, USA

Lugtenes Dramaturgi, Odin Theater, Holstebro, DK (with Mathias Dyhr)

Core Exhibition, Glassell School of Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA

Movement of Glass, Musee-atelier du Verre, Sars-Poteries, FR

Group Exhibition, Gray Contemporary, Houston, USA

BRAFA Art Fair, represented by Clara Scremini, Brussels, BE

Galerie B, Baden-Baden, DE


2018 - Next to the skin, WCC, Belgium

New Scandinavian Glass, Vessel Gallery, London, GB

CraftTexas, Houston Contemporary Craft Center, USA

Dangerous Professors, Flatland Gallery, Houston, USA

2018 Core Exhibition, Lawndale, Houston, USA


Handmade- Scandinavian Glass starting all over, The Finnish Glass Museum, Finland


2017 - Clothing Optional, Night Gallery, Los Angeles, USA

Leftovers, Far Bazaar, Cerritos College, Los Angeles, USA

The Texas Pearl Project Space, Berlin, Germany

i-Glass, Levant Gallery, Shanghai, China

The Collection, GlazenHuis, Lommel, Belgium

Handmade- Scandinavian Glass starting all over, The Glass Factory, SE

Great Danes, Hempel Glass Museum, Denmark


2016 - Great Danes, GlazenHuis, Lommel, Belgium

FUNN, S12, Bergen, Norway

North Lands: A portrait at 20, Dovecot Gallery, Edinburgh, Scottland

Sølv, Gold-Smidt Assembly, London, England

Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark


2015 - European Prize for Applied Arts, Mons, Belgium

♂ ♀ LOVE, International Glass Festival 2015, Wroclaw, Poland

Drawing – An expressive gesture with the advantage of performance, Sunderland, England

Biennalen for Kunsthåndværk og Design, Copenhagen, Denmark

Substance, Bredgade Kunsthandel, Copenhagen, Denmark

KP15, Århus Kunsthal, Denmark

The Process, International Glass Prize, Lommel, Belgium

DG15, Ebeltoft Glass Museum, Denmark

BRAFA Art Fair, represented by Clara Scremini Gallery, Brussels, Belgium

2014 - Boudoir Project, curated by Caroline Pradal, Paris, France

Young and Loving, S12, Bergen, Norway

RETURN, Holstebro Festive week, Holstebro, Denmark

2D→, touring exhibition, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia

The Coburg Prize for Contemporary Glass 2014, Germany

BodyTalk, Ebeltoft Glass Museum, Denmark and GlazenHuis, Belgium

Danish Stars, Konsthantverkarna, Stockholm, Sweden

Art Herning, through Bredgade Kunsthandel, Denmark


2013 - 25th+ Anniversary Celebration, Braggiotti Gallery, The Netherlands

Substance, Bredgade Kunsthandel, Copenhagen, Denmark

Talente, Munich, Germany

Enjoy the Silence, Gallery Øckenlund, Copenhagen, Denmark


2012 - Stanislav Libensky Award, Pragh, Czech Republic

SiO2, Copenhagen, Denmark

Green, Nexø, Denmark

International Glass Prize, Belgium

Process, Hasle, Denmark

Svanekegaardens Spring Exhibition, Denmark

Second Life, Hanover, Germany


2011 - Working Together, Grønbæksgaard, Denmark


2010 - AQUA 2010, Hundested, Denmark

After Dark, Grønbæksgaard, Hasle, Denmark


2009 - Zwieseler Kölbl 2009, Germany

Is i Magen, Eld i Blodet, Växjö, Sweden


Prizes and nominations

2024 – The Hempel Glass Prize, Denmark

2015 – 1st Prize Winner, KP-Prize, Aarhus, Denmark

Prize Winner, Talent Award of the Jutta Cuny-Franz Foundation of 2015, Germany

2014 - Prize Winner, Coburg Prize 2014, Jury’s special Prize, Germany

2013 - Nominated, Talente 2013, Germany

Studio Glass of the year 2013, The Friends Society, Denmark

2012 - Prize Winner, International Glass Prize, Lommel, Belgium

Nominated, Stanislav Libensky Award, Czech Republic 

Bronze Winner, The Danish Craft Prize, Denmark             

1st Prize, Eco Arts Awards, USA

2011 – 2nd Prize, Scraplab Design Contest, Germany


Public Collections

Victoria and Albert Museum, London, GB

The Corning Museum of Glass, USA

KODE - Museum of Art, Craft, Design and Music, Norway 

Rakusui-tei Art Museum and Gardens, Japan

Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustri-Museum, Tronheim, Norway 

Public Art Agency Sweden (Statens Konstråd), Sweden

The Danish Arts Foundation (Statens Kunstfond), Denmark

Collection of the City of Lommel, Belgium

Region Kalmar, Sweden

Region Sörmland, Sweden

Uppsala Kommun, Sweden

Smålands Konstarkiv, Sweden

Musee-atelier du Verre, Sars-Poteries, France

Sunderland Culture, GB

Konstsammlungen der Veste Coburg, Germany

Glasmuseum Alter Hof Herding, Coesfeld Lette, Germany

Museum of American Glass, Wheaton Arts and Cultural Center, USA

Studio Collection of the Corning Museum of Glass, NY, USA



2020 - Visiting Artist, College for Creative Studies, Detroit, USA

Konstkollo, Kalmar Konstmuseum, Emmaboda, Sweden

2018 - Visiting Artist and workshop instructor, University of Texas Arlington, USA

2016 - Graduate Assistant for Charles Gaines, CalArts, USA

2015 - Workshop Instructor, North Lands Creative Glass, Scottland, GB

Visiting critic, Royal College of Art, London, GB

Workshop instructor, The Sorrell Foundation, Sunderland, GB

Guest teacher, Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, NL

Guest teacher, IKA, Mechelen, BE

Guest teacher, Engelsholm Højskole, DK

2013 - TA, Bohyun Yoon, Haystack Mountain school of Craft, USA


Lectures, demos, and symposiums

2022 - Lecture, V&A Academy, England

2022 – Panel Discussion w/ Mette Colberg, Markus Emilson, Max Syron, The Glass Factory Boda, SE

2020 – Lecture, CCS, USA

2019 – Lecture, RISD, USA

2018 – Lecture, University of Arlington, TX, USA

2016 - Demo, GAS, Corning Museum of Glass, USA

2015 - Lecture, Sunderland University, England

Lecture, Royal College of Art, London, GB

Lecture, Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, NL

Lecture, Engelsholm Højskole, DK

2014 - Lecture, Konsthandverkarne, Stockholm, Sweden

Lecture, Royal Danish Academy, Bornholm, Denmark

Participant at Rona International Glass Symposium, Slovakia

2013 - Lecture, Corning Museum of Glass, USA  



2020 - The Danish Arts Foundation and CCS, Detroit, USA

2017-19 - The Core Program, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX, USA

2018 - The Glass Factory, Boda, Sweden

2017-19 - The Core Program, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX, USA

2015 - National Glass Centre, Sunderland, UK

S12, Bergen, Norway

2014 - Playa Fellowship, OR, USA

2013 - Wheaton Arts, NJ, USA

Corning Museum of Glass, NY, USA

2012 - Glazen Huis, Lommel, Belgium


Selected Internships and production work

2013 - Internship, Jocelyne Prince, Providence, RI, USA

2012 - Gaffer, Sigrun Einarsdottir, Iceland

Designer and maker for GlazenHuis, Lommel, Belgium

2011 - Internship, Sean Salstrom, Toyama, Japan

2010 - Assistant, The Corning Museum of Glass, Glass Lab, Germany

2008 - Internship, Steffen Dam, Ebeltoft, Denmark

Internship, Davide Salvadore, Murano, Italy

2007 - Internship, Kosta Boda, Sweden


Grants and scholarships

2025 - The Danish Arts Foundation, project grant

2024 - The Danish Arts Foundation, work grant

The Danish National Bank’s Anniversary Foundation of 1968

The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, two year work grant

2023 - The Danish Arts Foundation, work grant

2022 - Ole Haslund Art Foundation

2021 - The Danish Arts Foundation, work grant

The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, work grant

2020 - Project Grant from The Swedish Arts Grants Committee 

The Danish Arts Foundation, work Grant

2019 - Support for Artists and Creative Individuals grant, Houston Arts Alliance

The Danish Arts Foundation, Work Grant

The Danish Arts Foundation, Project Grant

Nationalbankens Jubilæumsfond

15th June Foundation

2018 - The Eliza Prize

2017 - Beckett Foundation

2015 - Jens Ejnar and Johanne Larsen’s Grant in support of young artists

Augustinus Foundation

Direktør Ib Henriksens Foundation

Oticon Foundation

Nordea Foundation

Otto Bruuns Foundation

Aarhuus Stiftstidendes Fond, Travel grant

The Danish Arts Foundation, Work Grant

Grosserer L. F. Foghts Foundation

2014 - Den Hielmstierne-Rosencroneske Foundation

The Danish Arts Foundation, Work Grant

Annie and Otto Johs. Detlefs Grant

The Danish Craft Prize, Travel Grant

2013 - The Danish Art Foundation, Travel Grant

M. B. Bishop and F. S. Merritt Scholarship, Haystack Mountain School of Craft

Danish Crafts Foundation                                                             

The Danish National Bank’s Anniversary Foundation of 1968

Bornholm’s Art Council

Ellen and Knud Dalhoff Larsens Foundation

Culture Week of Bornholm

Augustinus Foundation

2012 - Candace Haskell Scholarship, Haystack Mountain School of Craft

Den Hielmstierne-Rosencroneske Foundation

The Danish National Bank’s Anniversary Foundation of 1968

Augustinus Foundation

2011 - Otto Bruuns Foundation

Augustinus Foundation

Gross. L. F. Foghts Foundation